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Cairns Community Corrections donates footwear to disadvantaged

Disadvantaged Queenslanders are walking a little easier following the donation of footwear by officers from the Cairns District Community Corrections office.

Around 100 pairs of thongs were purchased by the officers with funds raised from their weekly Jeans Day Friday raffle and donated to Anglicare’s Diversionary Centre in Cairns.

Jeans Day coordinator Peter Michaels said while the Friday raffle was fun for the staff, the real purpose was to give something tangible back to the community that they support.
Far Northern Region Regional Manager Gabrielle Payne said the donation was a good example of how Community Corrections showed its appreciation to other community organisations and services.

“We rely on partnerships with community organisations to help us to achieve mutual goals for the community.

“It’s good that we can let them know we appreciate their assistance and help out people in need,” Ms Payne said.

Community corrections officers are a core component of Queensland Corrective Services, managing about 21,000 offenders across Queensland as they act as agents of change and play a vital role in keeping communities safe by helping to prevent people released from prison from re-offending.

Alternatives to imprisonment are an important part of our correctional system and probation and parole officers are among the frontline staff working with offenders and delivering services at the coal face and helping offenders reintegrate into the community on their release from prison.

Cairns Diversionary Centre Manager Justin Brown said he was extremely thankful to the Cairns Community Corrections Team.

“Footwear is often highly sought after by the clients that access Anglicare services.

“Many of the clients are disadvantaged and may not have access to shoes, so this relatively small donation will help put thongs on the feet of up to 100 clients.”