Locating, contacting or visiting a prisoner
To locate a prisoner utilise the Search for Prisoners function
Email: prisonerlocations@corrections.qld.gov.au
Information about contacting a prisoner
Information about visiting a prisoner
Other prisoner related queries: StatewideOperationsCommunications@corrections.qld.gov.au
Contact details
I want to…
- Register details as a victim of crime to receive information about an offender who has been convicted of a violent offence
- Work for Queensland Corrective Services
- Make a compliment or complaint
Phone: 13 74 68
69 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
GPO Box 1054, Brisbane QLD 4001
Community Corrections
If your concerns relate to a person subject to electronic monitoring, please contact 07 3271 2938 Monday to Friday (9am-5pm weekdays).
For urgent after-hours matters including electronic monitoring, please phone (07) 3565 7671 .
Office of the Commissioner
Phone: 07 3565 7818
Level 21, 69 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Phone: 07 3565 7252
Email: QCSRecruitment@corrections.qld.gov.au
Victims Register
Free call: 1800 098 098 (business hours 8am to 5pm excluding public holiday)
Email: victims.register@corrections.qld.gov.au
Statewide Operations Directorate
Phone: 07 3565 7318
Fax: 07 3239 0600
Level 16, 69 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Specialist Operations Directorate
Phone: 07 3565 7343
Level 16, 69 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Historical Information enquiries
Queensland State Archives (QSA) holds permanent records of enduring historical value for the Queensland Government and local governments. QSA currently holds and preserves QCS historical records. Members of the public can utilize the QSA ArchivesSearch to search for digitised and hardcopy records. Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact QCS on HistoricalRecords@corrections.qld.gov.au and a QCS Information Officer will assist with your search
Media enquiries
Phone: 07 3565 7824
Email: QCSMedia@corrections.qld.gov.au
Complaints involving QCS staff
The Operational Support unit is responsible for the coordination of the QCS complaints management function and oversight of the human rights element of complaints. If you have a complaint regarding human rights or the standard of customer service relating to a prisoner or offender as defined under section 264(4) of the Public Sector Act 2022, please contact Operational Support on:
Telephone: 07 3565 7310
Email: StatewideOperationsCommunications@Corrections.qld.gov.au
The Ethical Standards Assessment Unit is responsible for the assessment of allegations relating to serious misconduct or corruption involving a QCS employee. Such conduct is described as wilful, reckless, dishonest or criminal behaviour that is inconsistent with the continuation of their employment. If you have a complaint that reaches this threshold, please contact the Ethical Standards Assessment Unit on:
Telephone: 07 3565 7985
Email: ESGcomplaints@corrections.qld.gov.au