Custodial operations practice directives
Custodial operations practice directives provide a consistent framework to direct staff when undertaking their duties throughout a prisoner’s time in prison.
Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) is committee to the highest levels of integrity and accountability. Importance that must be placed on ensuring employees act in an impartial manner when conducting their roles, which is particularly relevant when an employee of the department seeks to be a candidate in an election. Two policies have been developed to support QCS employees in the lead up to, and through, the caretaker period.
Prisoner accommodation capacity definitions
To formally document built capacity numbers for every custodial centre to be used for internal and external reporting purposes and to ensure the consistent use of terminology and counting rules for internal and external reporting of prisoner bed capacity for Queensland corrective services facilities.
Relevant persons
To provide for the management of “relevant persons” including a process that incorporates guidelines for assessing the suitability of persons to be, or continue to be, relevant persons.
Volunteer service
To ensure that community members undertaking the role as volunteers in Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Probation and Parole offices are utilised appropriately.