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Officers bunker down at prisons to ensure security

While many people in SEQ were bunkering down at home during this weekend, more than 200 Queensland Corrective Services officers were bunkering down at correctional centres and monitoring units across South East Queensland to maintain safety and security. QCS Commissioner Paul Stewart APM said that he

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QCS Officers deployed to support SEQ prisons

Custodial Correctional Officers from North, Far North and Central Queensland are being deployed to help maintain safety and security at South East Queensland correctional centres in the lead-up to Tropical Cyclone Alfred making landfall. An initial 10 officers from Townsville Correctional Centre and Maryborough Correctional Centre

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Happy 90th to Palen Creek Correctional Centre

Commonwealth’s first low custody prison farm opened in 1934 Strong agricultural history and record of supporting the local community High-quality reformation programs delivered to break the cycle of offending   Palen Creek Correctional Centre in south-east Queensland is celebrating its 90th anniversary after it was

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Contraband haul foiled by QCS intelligence

An intelligence-led operation at Maryborough Correctional Centre has successfully foiled an attempt to introduce a large quantity of contraband into the centre. The intercept was revealed as the Minister for Corrective Services Laura Gerber MP visited the Maryborough facility last week to meet with officers and

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First QCS paws graduate to the frontline in Lockyer Valley (with audio grabs)

Lockyer Valley’s first Corrective Services dogs graduate to the frontline New paws join 97 new Custodial Correctional Officers to the frontline of public safety QCS actively recruiting for a variety of roles   Queensland’s newest high-security men’s correctional centre marked a historic milestone today (Thursday 31

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Lotus Glen Correctional Centre wins national waste award (with audio grabs)

Lotus Glen Correctional Centre’s industry leading Environmental Management Recycling Program has been nationally recognised at the 2024 Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards. Named Most Outstanding Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) project: Regional/rural, the centre’s recycling program has diverted between 700 and 1000 tonnes of waste


Staying Connected: How Phone Calls Help Prisoners Rebuild Lives

An upgrade to the Prisoner Telephone System in Queensland correctional centres will mean cheaper, clearer and easier phone calls to family and friends. Upgrades on the way Significant improvements are on the way for the Prisoner Telephone System. Clearer, high-quality calls: the move to a digital system

Lotus Glen correctional officer graduation Sept

New correctional officers improve community safety in Far North Queensland

16 Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Far North Queensland after completing intensive, 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program Three Commissioner’s Medallion for Retiring Officers presented in honour of commitment to corrections and community safety A former truck driver, chef and banana farm

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National Honours for Queensland Corrective Services officers

Congratulations again to Deputy Commissioner Gary McCahon, Correctional Supervisor John Rossett and former Community Corrections District Manager Selina Shea after being presented with their King’s Birthday honours by the Queensland Governor, Dr Jeanette Young AC PSM. After being named in the King’s Birthday 2024 Honours list

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Biggest Corrections graduation of 2024

  91 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the frontline of public safety throughout South East Queensland Officers equipped with highest level of training after 10-week Custodial Officer Entry Program QCS actively recruiting for a variety of roles   Correctional officers from other states, territories and countries are