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Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre eases restrictions

Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre will revert to Stage 3 restrictions today after the completion of the two week quarantine period following two officers testing positive to COVID-19. This means that the centre remains closed to all but essential officers and visitors, but prisoners will be unlocked

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COVID-19 restrictions eased

Following advice from Queensland Health, we are we now able to relax restrictions at Woodford Correctional Centre, Wolston Correctional Centre, Borallon Training and Correctional Centre; and Escort and Security Branch (Escorts) effective today (4 September). These Centres will revert to Stage 3 restrictions. There are a small

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COVID-19: When will prison visits start again?

We’ve been getting lots of questions about when visits will recommence at Queensland prisons. The answer isn’t a straight forward one. As you may be aware, the Queensland Government released a roadmap to the easing of community restrictions last week, and we will be using this


Commissioner podcast: the critical role of QCS officers in DFV prevention

[Transcript:] May 1 marks the start of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month in Queensland. Domestic and family violence is obviously a significant issue that we deal with on a range of levels at Queensland Corrective Services. There's a clear nexus between domestic and family violence and the


Wolston Correctional Centre reverts to Level 3 Restrictions

On Friday March 27, I announced the Stage 4 lockdown of Wolston Correctional Centre on the advice of Queensland Health and the Chief Health Officer following an officer testing positive for COVID-19. This lockdown enabled Queensland Health time to do contract tracing on the officer, and

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Queensland prisons lock down against COVID-19

The COVID-19 response is a rapidly evolving environment, and in accordance with advice from Queensland Health and the Chief Health Officer, and with their support I will be further restricting access to Correctional Centres in Queensland. I have made the decision that the time

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Pandemic: Visits to Queensland prisons cease

Queensland Corrective Services has put significant planning in place to ensure business continuity and ensure the security of our prisons, the safety of our officers and the wellbeing of the people in our care. We know this pandemic will play out over many months, not weeks,

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Community Corrections – the (hidden) public face of QCS

Our workforce is our greatest asset as a top-tier public safety agency, with more than 5000 officers working every day to keep communities safe by reducing re-offending. In the past week, the executive leadership team and I have had the privilege to visit community corrections offices

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Message from the Commissioner – Appointment of Deputy Commissioners

I am pleased to announce that we have secured three outstanding officers to take up three new Deputy Commissioner positions and help drive the development and growth of Queensland Corrective Services. All three have extensive and broad ranging experience which will help us achieve our goal