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Update – booking of visits in South East Queensland to recommence

Due to Queensland’s sustained effort to contain the COVID-19 cases in the Greater Brisbane community over the past two weeks, we are able relax the restrictions at all of our centres and offices. Queensland Health advised that we are able to recommence booking personal visits as

Commissioner's awards nominations open for national corrections day

Queensland lights up blue for National Corrections Day

Queensland is lighting up blue to celebrate the work of corrections officers on the front line of public safety on National Corrections Day, Friday 15 January.   Minister for Corrective Services, Mark Ryan, said that communities from Mt Isa to Palm Island and out to Roma were

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COVID-19 update, Victoria community transmission

To ensure the safety of officers and prisoners, visitors to our prisons will be screened to ensure they have not been to Victoria recently. On advice of the Chief Health Officer, we are restricting access to anyone who has been in Victoria in the last 14


COVID-19 restrictions eased to Stage 1 statewide

Due to the remarkable effort to contain the COVID-19 cases at the Queensland Corrective Services Academy and the Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre, we are able relax the restrictions at all of our centres and offices. Queensland Health has advised that we are able to recommence personal

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Queensland prisons restrictions update

Following positive COVID-19 tests amongst officers at the Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Academy and Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre (AGCC), QCS continues to work closely with Queensland Health to ensure the safe operation of the state’s correctional centres. This includes identifying and testing prisoners who have been

Blog post

QLD’S MOST WANTED – Do you have what it takes to be a CCO?

Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) has launched a be on the lookout (BOLO) alert for wanted persons to join the front line of public safety, protecting our communities as custodial correctional officers (CCOs). QCS launched a series of videos urging Queenslanders to take a look inside and see

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All visits suspended at SEQ prisons: Stage 3 restrictions

Due to cases of COVID-19 in the community, all South-east Queensland prisons and Community Corrections districts from the NSW border up to and including Bundaberg have moved to Stage 3 restrictions. As you may be aware, further cases of COVID-19 have been identified at the Brisbane

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Personal visits to SEQ prisons suspended

Due to cases of COVID-19 in the community, personal visits have been suspended to all South East Queensland prisons on the advice of the Chief Health Officer (CHO). This decision was made to protect the safety of prisoners and our officers and includes all prisons from