Kat stevens edited

Community Corrections officer wins gold in 2019 Touch World Cup

Brisbane Region’s Community Corrections Senior Case Manager Katherine knows all about chasing goals after recently returning home an undefeated world champion from the 2019 Touch World Cup held in Malaysia.

Katherine has been playing touch football since she was 11, and for Australia for the past five years, said competing at such an elite level had many positive impacts on her professional life.

“It has taught me resilience, how to work with a team in a tough environment and the ability to deal with people from all walks of life,” Katherine said.

Katherine played link in Australia’s Mixed Open team of 16 at the world cup in Kuala Lumpur, which drew hundreds of competitors from about 30 countries, including the US, England, Chile, China, New Zealand and Samoa.

“We competed in 12 games over six days and temperatures were regularly above 40 degrees, which tested everybody’s stamina,” she said.

Regional Manager Nicole Duke said Katherine’s victory was an inspiration to her colleagues.

“Kat shows that we are all capable of extraordinary things if we put our minds to it, which is important to remember in our line of work, dealing with some of the most challenging people in society.

“Community Corrections officers act as agents of change and play a vital role in keeping communities safe by helping to prevent people released from prison from re-offending.

“Alternatives to imprisonment are a core component of our correctional system and community corrections officers are among the frontline staff working with offenders and delivering services at the coal face.

“It’s not easy work, but Kat has reminded us that putting in the extra effort can be enormously rewarding,” Ms Duke said.