Queensland Corrective Services Media

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20241204 113110

New correctional officers boost community safety in Maryborough

17 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Maryborough All have completed the 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program including on-the-job training The new officers now ready to play their role in protecting community safety   Queensland Corrective Services welcomed 17 new officers to

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Contraband haul foiled by QCS intelligence

An intelligence-led operation at Maryborough Correctional Centre has successfully foiled an attempt to introduce a large quantity of contraband into the centre. The intercept was revealed as the Minister for Corrective Services Laura Gerber MP visited the Maryborough facility last week to meet with officers and


QCS’ most beloved PADD dog passes away

Queensland Corrective Services’ most beloved Passive Alert Drug Detection dog, Thommo, passed away recently after an extraordinary career and happy retirement with his handler Scott. QCS Commissioner Paul Stewart APM said the Ekka, crowd favourite 14-year-old Labrador and his handler Scott had played an important role

Boggo Road Gaol, John Oxley Library, State Library Of Queensland

The role of Queensland prisons in World War II

Remembrance Day, November 11 marked the 106th anniversary of the armistice that ended fighting with Germany in World War I and commemorating those killed in both World Wars. While many of the stories of this time are well known, a lesser known wartime story played out

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QCS recruitment session coming soon to Central Queensland (with audio grabs)

Queenslanders looking for a permanent job with good work life balance are invited to an information night tomorrow in Rockhampton to learn about careers in Queensland Corrective Services. QCS is recruiting now for custodial correctional positions at Capricornia Correctional Centre and according to Talent Acquisition Specialist

Large Group

First QCS paws graduate to the frontline in Lockyer Valley (with audio grabs)

Lockyer Valley’s first Corrective Services dogs graduate to the frontline New paws join 97 new Custodial Correctional Officers to the frontline of public safety QCS actively recruiting for a variety of roles   Queensland’s newest high-security men’s correctional centre marked a historic milestone today (Thursday 31

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Lotus Glen Correctional Centre wins national waste award (with audio grabs)

Lotus Glen Correctional Centre’s industry leading Environmental Management Recycling Program has been nationally recognised at the 2024 Waste Innovation & Recycling Awards. Named Most Outstanding Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (WARR) project: Regional/rural, the centre’s recycling program has diverted between 700 and 1000 tonnes of waste

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Official Visitors vacancies now open at QCS (with audio grabs)

Queensland Corrective Services is calling on community members in the far north, northern, central and south-east regions to play an important role in the state’s correctional system. QCS' Official Visitors Scheme has 20 vacancies for community members keen to assist prisoners to manage and resolve complaints


Staying Connected: How Phone Calls Help Prisoners Rebuild Lives

An upgrade to the Prisoner Telephone System in Queensland correctional centres will mean cheaper, clearer and easier phone calls to family and friends. Upgrades on the way Significant improvements are on the way for the Prisoner Telephone System. Clearer, high-quality calls: the move to a digital system