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International Human Rights Day – a focus on decision making


Human Rights implementation

At QCS, people are our business. We are committed to the safety of our communities through the humane containment of prisoners, and through the supervision and rehabilitation of offenders.

While human rights have always been a significant consideration for QCS, the introduction of Queensland’s historic Human Rights Act 2019 (the Act) on January 1 will ensure that human rights are at the forefront of our decision making at every level – from front line service delivery to the development of policies and legislation.

We have an obligation to take into account the human rights of every individual we come into contact with, whether in our care in a correctional centre or under our supervision. We will place the human rights of individuals, especially the most vulnerable, at the forefront of service delivery.

We are also committed to ensuring QCS contributes to the development of a human-rights culture across the Queensland Government where we respect, protect and promote the human rights of all individuals we work with.

By making thoughtful and balanced decisions, we uphold the guiding principles and vision of Corrections 2030, especially accountability and respect.

Today (10 December), QCS recognises International Human Rights Day and celebrates the significant steps that have been taken toward implementing a human-rights based approach to government planning, policy and service delivery. We also recognise our obligations once the Act is introduced in Queensland in nearly three weeks, one of only three states to enact the Act.

The introduction of the Act means QCS must adapt at every level of our business, which is already underway.

How has QCS prepared for the introduction of the Act?

QCS has been working diligently to ensure all officers are provided with information, training and resources to meet the changes coming into effect with the introduction of the Act on January 1.

Key initiatives undertaken so far include:

  • reviewing operational directives and guidelines
  • providing training to all officers
  • developing a decision-making framework
  • conducting information sessions
  • establishing an easily-accessible location for information and resources
  • establishing a Champions Network across Queensland to disseminate information.

We will continue to build and deliver on our commitment to embed human rights into our business to strengthen our professional workforce.

In recognition of International Human Rights Day, the Story Bridge, Victoria Bridge and Reddacliffe Place sculptures will light up blue in Brisbane.


Teena Ingram
Superintendent │ Human Rights Implementation Team