Media response: Deaths in custody

You may have seen some coverage of a report into deaths in custody in Australia. We thought you might like to see the response provided to media on this topic:

Queensland has the second highest prison population in Australia, behind NSW. The Queensland prison population has more than doubled since 1998, which means the rate of death in custody, including natural deaths, has dropped considerably.

In 2023-2024 the death rate per 100 prisoners was 0.18, significantly lower than it was in 1998 (0.38 per 100).  It is also lower than the death rate in the Queensland population.

Queensland Health is responsible for the health care of prisoners and QCS facilitates access to medical services as required.

Several protective measures are in place to prevent prisoners from harming themselves and others including comprehensive suicide prevention programs to manage acute risk.

QCS’ Mental Health Strategy 2022-2027 and the First Nations Strategy under development will help ensure people in custody or supervision with mental ill health are identified and assessed early, and are provided with the supports and services they need.

The Lockyer Valley Correctional Centre will operate under a Queensland-first health and rehabilitation model which will include mental health, drug and alcohol rehabilitation services in modern, fit-for-purpose facilities to further reduce the risk of prisoner self-harm or harm to others.