Coep grad

New correctional officers help keep Queensland communities safe


Thirteen new Custodial Correctional Officers joined the ranks in Queensland on Wednesday at a graduation ceremony at the Queensland Corrective Services Academy.

Corrective Services Minister Mark Ryan and Queensland Corrective Services Deputy Commissioner James Koulouris, Organisational Capability, congratulated the graduates of the Custodial Officer Entry Level Program (COEP) as they were sworn into their vital role in ensuring public safety across Queensland.

Four of the COEP graduates will join their colleagues at Wolston Correctional Centre, while the other nine will serve at Woodford Correctional Centre.

Deputy Commissioner Koulouris congratulated the graduates on successfully completing the entry program and welcomed them into the corrective services field during a period of significant reform.

“All our officers, including these graduates, undertake training to ensure they are prepared to take on the challenges of working in a correctional environment every day,” Deputy Commissioner Koulouris said.

The ceremony also celebrated the awarding of a Diploma of Correctional Administration to a community corrections officer.

“It is an incredibly exciting time to be joining the QCS as we all work together to make the community safe through our five guiding principles of Corrections 2030: safety, excellence, empowerment, accountability and respect,” Deputy Commissioner Koulouris said.

“I expect all our officers to use these guiding principles as a road map as we all continue to develop our culture and strive for best practice as a world class corrective service.

“These graduates come from a multitude of backgrounds, but all follow a fine tradition to join the QCS ranks and boost safety across Queensland.

“I have the upmost respect for all our officers working in the correctional system. They are impressive individuals and I welcome them all to the QCS family.”

For information on how to apply to become a Custodial Correctional Officer, visit