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QLD’S MOST WANTED – Do you have what it takes to be a CCO?

Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) has launched a be on the lookout (BOLO) alert for wanted persons to join the front line of public safety, protecting our communities as custodial correctional officers (CCOs).

QCS launched a series of videos urging Queenslanders to take a look inside and see if they are fit enough to be a CCO at a Capricornia Correctional Centre fitness assessment in Rockhampton today.

The Respond To Medical Emergency (RTME) fitness test is an important part of the recruitment process to ensure that candidates are physically ready to join the front line of public safety on Queensland.

Designed to test the fitness of candidates to ensure they can respond in a timely manner to an emergency at the prison, it simulates an officer responding to an emergency by running from one side of the prison to the other as well as using defensive and retreat tactics.

Participants are assessed on their ability to run 500 metres, navigate steps, punch and kick as well as their ability to regain their feet quickly and drag a 70kg weight.

Commissioner Peter Martin said Queensland’s most wanted people from all walks of life should approach the opportunity without caution.

“QCS is looking for people with excellent communication skills and a strong desire to make a difference in crime prevention and community safety,” Commissioner Martin said.

“These persons of interest must have empathy, be able to communicate well, and undertake their role ethically and professionally.

“They will be tasked as agents of change – to stop the cycle of reoffending, acting as role models to prisoners and driving rehabilitation while working to ensure prisoners are managed safely and securely,” he said.

Be advised there is an amnesty period over the month of August for these wanted persons to hand themselves in to the QCS recruitment team here.

Successful applicants will undertake training in the paid 10-week full-time Custodial Officer Entry Program (COEP) through the QCS Academy starting on September 28 which consists of range of academic, scenario-based written and physical assessments.

If you think you have what it takes to be one of Queensland’s most wanted, visit: /careers

Are you fit enough to be a CCO?