Quick thinking QCS Officers roll out Virtual Visits

Quick and innovating thinking by QCS officers has been praised for the timely introduction of the Virtual Personal Visits (VPV) program across Queensland.

A fast-tracked pilot program was established using videoconferencing technology at Brisbane Women’s Correctional Centre last month, and following its successful implementation, was rolled out state-wide.

The VPV program was developed as a result of stage 3 restrictions at all correctional centres state-wide, effectively shutting down centres to all visitors and restricting access to essential officers and health care staff.

QCS Commissioner Peter Martin APM said that it was QCS officers and their quick thinking with a tricky situation that allowed the program to roll out so quickly.

“As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, our officers have worked tirelessly to get programs like virtual personal visits operating in an expedient manner,” Commissioner Martin said.

“We understand that prisoners and families have been anxious since face-to-face visits were suspended, and we now have the ability to provide access to video conferencing facilities, which provides families another channel to keep in touch until the pandemic restrictions ease.

“I was to thank all our hard-working officers for their ability to quickly adapt how we do business as a result of COVID-19 and their innovative approach which keeps us all safe.”

QCS has a new virtual personal visits program to keep prisoners in contact with family and friends