Queensland corrective services photo shoot 2014

SEQ prison visits cancelled – UPDATED 12/01/2021

Due to concerns about a community case of COVID-19 in South East Queensland, Queensland prisons from Woodford Correction Centre south have cancelled all visits effective immediately.

Due to concerns about possible community spread of a highly contagious strain of COVID-19, all SEQ centres have been placed into immediate Stage 3 restrictions.

This means that only essential QCS officers and Queensland Health staff are authorised to enter SEQ correctional centres.

Other essential workers will be allowed to enter QCS centres only with the approval of the Commissioner.

These restrictions will be in effect at least until 1am, January 22, and depending upon community developments may be extended beyond that time.

Visitors who have been in the greater Brisbane area since January 2 will not be able to visit Maryborough, Capricornia, Townsville and Lotus Glen correctional centres until the restrictions are eased in SEQ, so not before January 22.

We recognise the impact of cancelling visits on prisoners and families, however the move is considered essential to protect the health of our officers and prisoners in our care.

As soon as Queensland Health provides advice that we can ease these restrictions, we will do so.

Families can contact prisoners through virtual personal visits, prisoner email and mail.

As centres are not locked down internally, prisoners will still be able to access phones unless there are localised restrictions for other reasons.