Stage 1 restrictions: Personal visits recommence
Due to the successful suppression of COVID-19 cases in the Queensland community, COVID-19 restrictions have been eased in South East Queensland correctional centres and community corrections offices, with personal visits to prisons recommencing tomorrow.
All prisons and community corrections offices across the State are now at Stage 1 of the Hotspot Response Plan. This plan is designed to allow us to quickly respond to further community outbreaks by clearly identifying the different restrictions which apply at different stages.
This means that personal visits with one person per prisoner for an hour can be booked. Everyone entering a correctional centre will undergo health screening and temperature checks. For the safety of our officers and the prisoners in our care, please do not come for a visit if you are unwell.
Visitors who are showing signs of illness, or who have visited or travelled through declared hotspots in the past 14 days will not be admitted to our centres.
Reception prisoners will be health screened and temperature checked, but will not be subject to 14 days isolation unless they are showing cold or flu-like symptoms or a temperature of more than 38 degrees.
We now have thermal imaging in all our prisons: