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Take a Look Inside QCS officer profile

Scott, Custodial Correctional Officer (CCO), Lotus Glen Correctional Centre.

From finance and insurance to public service, CCO Scott joined Queensland Corrective Services five years ago when he was looking for a change, a challenge and a better work life balance.

“As a CCO, my job is to assist in the rehabilitation and supervision of offenders in custody through safe, humane containment, while dealing with some of the most challenging behaviours. We achieve this as a team which involves a collective effort from correctional staff to medical and professional staff,” Scott said.

“My background as a CCO has given me the skills to experience various roles in the centre and currently I’m on secondment working in the Prisoner Processing Unit. In this unit, we are responsible for the reception of new prisoners entering the centre, discharging offenders to bail, parole or liberty and management of prisoner’s property.

“The Prisoner Processing Unit also look after prisoner visits, including contact, non-contact, virtual personal visits (introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic) and external prisoner escorts to medical and specialist appointments.

“As a CCO, I need to be a positive role model to the prisoner group and assist them in determining what is acceptable behaviour which will assist them in correcting their offending behaviour. In turn, this reduces recidivism and keeps Queensland communities safe.”

Scott said one of the most important principles in his role was respect as ‘without respect, safety has the ability to become compromised’.

“Flexibility is equally important in a correctional environment and I am fortunate enough to work for an organisation where our roster affords us time off when needed, this, in turn promotes a great work life balance,” he said.

When Scott is not on shift at the centre, he enjoys many hobbies including flying, photography, art, hiking and outdoor adventures, tennis, the beach and quality time with family and friends.

“My contribution to Queensland is to assist in achieving safer communities for all.”