Wolston sign yellow blue visitation visiting gdh 0833

Update – booking of visits in South East Queensland to recommence

Due to Queensland’s sustained effort to contain the COVID-19 cases in the Greater Brisbane community over the past two weeks, we are able relax the restrictions at all of our centres and offices.

Queensland Health advised that we are able to recommence booking personal visits as of today, January 22 to all correctional centres in Queensland from Woodford south to the border of New South Wales.

Official, cultural and legal visits can also recommence at SEQ correctional centres, work camps attached to SEQ prisons recommenced and community corrections offices are continuing to operate under their COVID-safe plans.

The ongoing successful suppression of COVID-19 means that there are Stage 1 restrictions at all Queensland Correctional Centres and Community Corrections Offices. Please contact the relevant correctional centre for details of current numbers allowed according to the COVID-Safe plans, and to book one-hour contact and non-contact visits.

Everyone entering a correctional centre will continue to undergo health screening and temperature checks. For the safety of our officers and the prisoners in our care, please do not come for a visit if you are unwell or showing any COVID-19 symptoms, even if they are minor (please self-isolate and get tested immediately).

Visitors who are showing signs of illness, or who have visited or travelled through declared hotspots in the past 14 days will not be admitted to our centres.

Virtual Personal Visits can still be booked as normal.

All correctional centres have a COVID-Safe plan in place, including the requirement for social distancing, hygiene and other fundamental measures that help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Correctional officers wear a flat surgical mask in centres subject to Stage 1-4 restrictions in accordance with current Queensland Health advice and where social distancing is not possible between other officers or prisoners.

We also continue to pay close attention to regular cleaning of frequently touched surfaces as well as maintaining regular hand washing or sanitising, good cough and sneeze etiquette and adhere to workplace COVID-safe plans.

We must remain vigilant and agile in our approach while we are dealing with this virus and will continue to act on the expert advice provided to us by Queensland Health. A cautious approach as well as stringent planning and execution has served us well and has kept COVID-19 out of our centres, and we thank you for your patience.