20210324 coep graduation ceremony 35

46 new officers and dogs sworn in to protect the safety of Queenslanders

Forty-six new Custodial Correctional Officers (CCOs) and eight dog squad officers and their dogs were sworn into frontline roles in public safety at a ceremony at the Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Academy today.

The ceremony also acknowledged three recent recipients of the Australian Corrections Medal (ACM) and one recipient of the Public Service Medal (PSM).

Minister Ryan MP acknowledged the commitment of officers in Queensland Corrective Services for their vital role in public safety.

“I’d like to acknowledge all the hard work of the graduating CCOs, dog squad officers and their dogs and the recipients of the ACM and PSM, and thank them on behalf of Queenslanders for their commitment to make our communities safer,’ Minister Ryan said.

“Our QCS officers are professionals that make a remarkable, often unseen, difference to community safety by dealing on a daily basis with some of the most complex members of our community. This rightly deserves recognition.”

Commissioner Martin APM acknowledged the new officer’s commitment to a safer community as they join the front line of public safety.

“Our officers strive to help transform the lives of those in our care while performing a vital role to help keep Queensland communities safe,” Commissioner Martin said.

“The training that QCS officers undertake is extensive and ensures they are ready to take on the many challenges of working within a correctional environment each day.”

The COEP graduates will be stationed at a number of correctional centres and commands within QCS, including:

  • 19 officers to Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre
  • 19 officers to Brisbane Correctional Centre
  • 8 officers to Wolston Correctional Centre

The Dog Squad graduates and their dogs will be stationed at a number of correctional centres, including:

  • 2 General Purpose dogs and 1 Passive Alert Detection dog to Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre
  • 2 Passive Alert Detection dogs to Borallon Training and Correctional Centre
  • 1 General Purpose dog to Wolston Correctional Centre
  • 1 General Purpose dog to Woodford Correctional Centre
  • 1 Passive Alert Detection dog to Townsville Correctional Complex

Australian Corrections Medal recipients Acting Chief Superintendent, Sentence Management Services Roberta Embrey, Senior Psychologist, Maryborough Correctional Centre Steven Mitchell, and, Acting Superintendent, South Coast Region Community Corrections Chel Sealey were also recognised at the ceremony.

Assistant Commissioner, Central and Northern Region, Custodial Operations Peter Shaddock was also recognised for receiving the Public Service Medal.

Commissioner Martin encouraged people from all walks of life to consider the challenge of a diverse career in corrective services.

“We are looking for passionate people to join the QCS family – people who want to transform lives on the front line of public safety and improve the safety of the community,” Commissioner Martin said.

“If you think you have what it takes, I encourage you to apply.”

