
Wolston Correctional Centre reverts to Level 3 Restrictions

On Friday March 27, I announced the Stage 4 lockdown of Wolston Correctional Centre on the advice of Queensland Health and the Chief Health Officer following an officer testing positive for COVID-19. This lockdown enabled Queensland Health time to do contract tracing on the officer, and...

Qcs Media Release Shield

Officer at Wolston Correctional Centre tests positive for COVID-19

Queensland Corrective Services has received advice from Queensland Health that a custodial corrections officer from Wolston Correctional Centre has tested positive to COVID-19. Initial advice is that the officer had contact with officers and prisoners during a number of shifts over the weekend and Monday. We...

Queensland Corrective Services Photo Shoot 2014

Pandemic: Visits to Queensland prisons cease

Queensland Corrective Services has put significant planning in place to ensure business continuity and ensure the security of our prisons, the safety of our officers and the wellbeing of the people in our care. We know this pandemic will play out over many months, not weeks,...

Stella Esb Art

Meet the Escort and Security Branch officer with a heart of gold

You can tell from the moment you meet Stella what a caring and thoughtful person she is - but you can also tell she doesn’t sit still for long. A well respected and established member of the Escort and Security Branch (ESB) team, Stella is approaching...