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New correctional officers committed to community safety in Rockhampton

      22 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Central Queensland All 22 have completed the 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program including on-the-job training. The new officers now ready to play their role in protecting community safety. Queensland Corrective Services welcomed

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New correctional officers committed to community safety in North Queensland

27 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Townsville All 27 have completed the 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program including on-the-job training. The new officers now ready to play their role in protecting community safety. Queensland Corrective Services welcomed 27 new Custodial

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QCS Officers deployed to support SEQ prisons

Custodial Correctional Officers from North, Far North and Central Queensland are being deployed to help maintain safety and security at South East Queensland correctional centres in the lead-up to Tropical Cyclone Alfred making landfall. An initial 10 officers from Townsville Correctional Centre and Maryborough Correctional Centre

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Important information for families – TC Alfred

All visits, including in-person, virtual and professional visits to South East Queensland prisons have been cancelled for the remainder of this week in preparation for TC Alfred. This will be reassessed on Monday at which time we’ll provide an update. This includes Woodford, Wolston, Brisbane Men’s, Arthur

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Low security prisoners supporting sanctuary cleanup

Townsville Men’s Low Custody Correctional Centre has been hard at work helping Billabong Sanctuary get back on its feet following North Queensland’s devastating floods. Six low custody prisoners lent a helping hand to staff and volunteers, clearing debris, raking paths and cutting and clearing fallen branches

Palen Creek Front

Happy 90th to Palen Creek Correctional Centre

Commonwealth’s first low custody prison farm opened in 1934 Strong agricultural history and record of supporting the local community High-quality reformation programs delivered to break the cycle of offending   Palen Creek Correctional Centre in south-east Queensland is celebrating its 90th anniversary after it was

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New correctional officers committed to community safety in Rockhampton

35 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Central Queensland. All 35 have completed the 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program including on-the-job training. The new officers now ready to play their role in protecting community safety. Queensland Corrective Services welcomed 35 new

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New correctional officers boost community safety in Maryborough

17 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Maryborough All have completed the 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program including on-the-job training The new officers now ready to play their role in protecting community safety   Queensland Corrective Services welcomed 17 new officers to

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Contraband haul foiled by QCS intelligence

An intelligence-led operation at Maryborough Correctional Centre has successfully foiled an attempt to introduce a large quantity of contraband into the centre. The intercept was revealed as the Minister for Corrective Services Laura Gerber MP visited the Maryborough facility last week to meet with officers and