Lockyer Valley Custodial Officer Graduates Group

Eighty officers graduate at Lockyer Valley’s largest ceremony to date

Officers join the frontline of public safety after undertaking 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program Over the last year, 627 new QCS officers have graduated custodial training, including more than 150 for LVCC   Former youth and support workers, small business owners, nurses and hospitality workers are...


New correctional officers for Central Queensland

17 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Central Queensland. All 17 undertaking 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program. Over the last year, 547 new Queensland Custodial Corrections Officers have graduated from training.   A former nurse, personal trainer, truck driver and a youth...


New correctional officers committed to community safety in Townsville

Townsville Correctional Complex welcomed 17 new Custodial Correctional Officers Officers equipped with highest level of training as part of 10-week paid program QCS actively recruiting for a variety of roles   Queensland Corrective Services inducted 17 new Custodial Correctional Officers (CCO) to the frontline of public...

Lvcc Coep Graduation 4 April

New Lockyer Valley custodial correctional officers join the frontline of public safety

Recruits have completed rigorous 10-week Custodial Correctional Officer training for Queensland’s newest correctional centre Officers deployed to other centres until new correctional centre opens More than 800 roles needed to run Lockyer Valley Correctional Centre, including psychologists, case managers, allied health professionals, education...

New correctional officers graduate at Lotus Glen Correctional Centre

New correctional officers celebrate graduation into frontline of public safety

Lotus Glen Correctional Centre formally welcomed nine new Custodial Correctional Officers Officers equipped with highest level of training as part of 10-week paid program QCS actively recruiting for a variety of roles   Queensland Corrective Services inducted nine new Custodial Correctional Officers (CCO) to the frontline...

George And Koala

Media Alert: Prisoners lend a helping hand after TC Kirrily

Prisoners from Townsville Correctional Complex have rolled up their sleeves and started their chainsaws to assist with the TC Kirrily cleanup. Prisoners from Townsville Men's Low Security Farm and Winton, Boulia and Julia Creek Work Camps have deployed to the Billabong Sanctuary, which suffered significant damage...


First Lockyer Valley Correctional Centre recruits graduate

Recruits have completed rigorous 10-week Custodial Correctional Officer training for Queensland’s newest correctional centre Officers equipped with highest level of training to join the front line of public safety The 1536-bed Lockyer Valley Correctional Centre will focus on rehabilitation to reduce reoffending   A...

Group Photo

New correctional officers improve community safety in Townsville

Eleven Custodial Correctional Officers join the frontline of public safety in Townsville Four officers awarded coveted National Medal and three officers received Long Service and Good Conduct medals Officers equipped with highest level of training   Queensland Corrective Services inducted 11 more Custodial Correctional Officers (CCO)...

Innisfail Work Camp Filling Sandbags 1

Prisoners help Queensland prepare for Cyclone Jasper

Low risk prisoners at Innisfail Work Camp are playing an important role in helping the town prepare for Cyclone Jasper, assisting the SES and Cassowary Coast Regional Council. The prisoners have been working in the community to prepare for storm season, clearing drains and gutters and...