
Community safety lifts with graduation of Central Queensland officers

Central Queensland has welcomed 10 new custodial correctional officers to the front line of public safety following a graduation at Rockhampton today.

The officers, bound for service at the Capricornia Correctional Centre (CCC), affirmed their commitment to the humane containment and rehabilitation of prisoners at the ceremony.

Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Assistant Commissioner Tamara Bambrick, Custodial Operations, and Member for Keppel Britany Lauga, representing Minister for Corrective Services Mark Ryan, were present to welcome and thank the new custodial correctional officers.

“I thank all the new QCS Officers for their commitment and hard work carried out to ensure the safety and security of the CCC and the North Queensland community,” Ms Lauga said.

“The graduates join CCC in a period of positive change, with the expansion of Capricornia creating career opportunities for the Rockhampton region while keeping prisoners and the public safe.”

Assistant Commissioner Bambrick said the role of a custodial corrections officer was a challenging one but expressed her faith that the graduating class would conduct their duties with professionalism and respect.

“It is an incredibly exciting time to be joining the QCS as we all work together to make the community safe through our five guiding principles of Corrections 2030: safety, excellence, empowerment, accountability and respect,” Assistant Commissioner Bambrick said.

CCC Chief Superintendent Paula May said that the training the officers received in the program would equip them well for their careers in QCS.

“The graduating officers completed the Custodial Officer Entry Program, which focuses on best-practice approaches, including correctional centre practices and behaviour management,” Chief Superintendent May said.

“The course content places great emphasis on safety, including situational awareness and communication, and de-escalation techniques.

“These officers will be meeting the high standards expected of officers within QCS as they continue to develop their skills.

“I am proud to welcome them as Custodial Correctional Officers to CCC.”

For information on how to apply to become a Custodial Correctional Officer, visit