Queensland Corrective Services Media

Phone: 07 3565 7824 Email: qcsmedia@corrections.qld.gov.au

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Body scanners – its role in correctional centre safety and prisoner welfare

From time to time, you would’ve seen media coverage about our officers foiling attempts to introduce contraband into correctional centres. Correctional centres serve an important role in our society by protecting community safety while giving prisoners the opportunity to rehabilitate to prevent further offending. Contraband makes prisons

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More officers boost community safety frontline

31 new Community Corrections case managers and probation services officers deployed around Queensland to target offender behaviour change Officers recognised for completing nation-leading training to deliver best practice in offender supervision   Queensland’s community safety frontline has been strengthened by deploying more officers around the state

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QCS commences rollout of Emergency Response Medals

Queensland Corrective Services Officers in Townsville are the first in the state to be recognised for their ongoing commitment to community safety through the COVID-19 pandemic, with the rollout of the Emergency Response Medal with COVID-19 clasp. Presented to QCS officers at a special ceremony on

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Revolutionary program supporting prisoner rehabilitation

Low security prisoners in Townsville have trialled a new community service program restoring ecosystems that support the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area while connecting them to nature. Developed in partnership with Envite Environment and Queensland Corrective Services, and funded by the partnership between the Australian

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Award-winning Townsville program trains for First Nations’ jobs

A North Queensland Corrective Services initiative is helping Close the Gap on life outcomes of First Nations prisoners in Townsville. Townsville Low Custody Correctional Centre’s partnership with Civil Safety delivers six hands-on training programs for low custody First Nations prisoners in conservation and land management, rural

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Walking Together as One

During NAIDOC Week, Queensland Corrective Services unveiled its First Nations artwork, painted by Aunty Claire, Superintendent of the Murridhagun Cultural Centre and proud Wiradjuri worman. In this video, Aunty Claire tells the story of the artwork titled Walking Together as One. Critical stakeholders including Elders, the Minister,

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Prisoner located and returned to custody

Queensland Corrective Services can confirm the prisoner who absconded from Townsville Low Custody Correctional Centre (Male Farm) on 13 July 2024 is back in custody.


New correctional officers improve community safety in Far North Queensland

12 Custodial Correctional Officers join the public safety frontline in Far North Queensland All 12 have completed an intensive, 10-week Custodial Officer Entry program Over the last year, more than 700 new Queensland Custodial Correctional Officers have graduated from training   A former chef, tradies, interstate


Minister and Commissioner celebrate Corrections excellence

Legislation writers take out the Queensland Corrective Services (QCS) Commissioner’s 2024 Award for Excellence. Woodford Correctional Centre wins two separate awards for safety and respect. 14 QCS officers also presented with National Emergency Response medals and clasps for assisting with community recovery from TC


New paws on the community safety frontline

Six Corrective Services dogs graduate to the frontline Four-legged recruits join 70 new Correctional officers. More than 700 officers trained in the last year for Queensland Corrective Services careers.   It’s tails up for Harvey, Shadow, Shaq, Jet, Forest and Derek who are embarking on new