Queensland Corrective Services Media

Phone: 07 3565 7824 Email: qcsmedia@corrections.qld.gov.au

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Bush fire preparedness

Bushfires are impacting communities across Queensland.  Conditions are expected to remain hot, dry and windy, with areas of high and extreme fire danger predicted, and we are not even into summer yet. A lot of work has gone into preparing for this disaster season across the

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Prisoners located and returned to custody

Queensland Corrective Services can confirm the prisoners who absconded from Townsville Correctional Centre (Low Custody Male Farm) have been arrested by police and are back in custody. Thanks to Queensland Police Service for locating and arresting them quickly.

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Take a Look Inside – Phil’s story

Meet Phil, our dedicated District Manager at Rockhampton Community Corrections. With her strong leadership, our team is empowered to keep the community safe by providing the necessary support to help offenders reintegrate into society. Phil also shares her love for living in regional Queensland and


New correctional officers, GP dogs join the front line

Fifteen new Custodial Correctional Officers graduate to frontline public safety Three new General-Purpose dogs and their handlers join the Delta Unit Two officers recognised with the prestigious National Medal One officer awarded Unit Citations for professional conduct in restoring order and bringing non-compliant prisoners

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Take a look inside – Will’s story

It's #takealookinside Tuesday. Will’s interest in social justice led him to a career with the High Risk Offender Management Unit.   Keeping the community safe, being part of a supportive team and a willingness to help people is what Will wants. Willing to make a career

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Take a look inside

It's #takealookinside Tuesday. From the chilly shores of England to a warm welcome in Cairns and Community Corrections, Peter has found his home and purpose helping people and mentoring young officers as a Senior Case Manager.   Be a part of an agency with incredible opportunities.


New correctional officers help keep South East Queensland communities safe

18 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the frontline of public safety Officers equipped with highest level of training Queensland Corrective Services offers many career paths   Queensland Corrective Services inducted 18 Custodial Correctional Officers (CCO) to the frontline of public safety on Wednesday 11 October at


New correctional officers help keep North Queensland communities safe

17 new Custodial Correctional Officers join the frontline of public safety One officer recognised with the National Medal Three officers recognised with Long Service Good Conduct Medals Officers equipped with highest level of training Queensland Corrective Services offers many career paths   Queensland Corrective Services inducted