Frequently Asked Questions


Why should I use QCS Connect?

QCS Connect gives you 24/7 access to your supervision details, including upcoming appointments, appointment reminders and things you may need to do to meet your supervision requirements. QCS Connect may not be available to everyone under supervision. Your Community Corrections officer will let you know if you are eligible.


What is the fingerprint and facial biometrics used for?

Your fingerprints and facial biometrics are used to identify you and to ensure no one else can access your personal information. You may be able to use these to access information and services to assist with your supervision on the mobile application. To ensure your privacy is maintained, QCS Connect does not store your fingerprints and facial biometrics.


What does the kiosk do?

If you are eligible, the kiosk can allow you to report; update your details; view your information, and advise your officer you have arrived for your appointment. Once enrolled, you may not need to sign in at the front desk.



Can the mobile app monitor my location and movements?

Your location and movements are only displayed when you self-report or complete a curfew check through the mobile application.